
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Perfect Name for Our Princess

We have pretty much narrowed down our baby girl's first name to three names:

1) Abigail 
2) Madison
3) Hannah 

I can't tell you how many times a day I am saying these names over and over again out loud and in my head trying to figure out what I like. 

We love the middle name Grace. When we were deciding on names for if Joey was a girl, we were set on Hayley Grace. We thought about naming this girl the same, but it just didn't feel "right", and it didn't feel like it was meant for her. I feel comfortable using that still as the middle name, and Joe and I both still love the name. 

I got the fabric for her nursery in the mail today! I am so excited to start working on it and make this nursery beautiful for our Princess. I know it's just materialistic objects, but it will be a cheerful room for her to spend her toddler years in, and it will certainly be pretty to look at, too! 

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I am team Abigail!! I always loved that name~! It's beautiful!

    1. That is Joe's favorite too! I think it's mine too...

  2. MomMom here! I have to say Hannah is my favorite... They are all beautiful but for some reason Hannah stands out from them all. Love you Darlin!!

  3. p.s. You and Joe both know that I would love any name ya'll chose! I can't wait to see my beautiful granddaughter and hold her in my arms. I am ready for a shopping spree!
