
Thursday, February 28, 2013

38 Weeks

I'm feeling pretty emotional and hormonal this week (example: Rant Time post). I am so anxious and ready for Hayley to get here. I'm looking for every sign imaginable that will tell me I'm in labor, and this whole delivery process is starting. I just need to relax, let go, and let God. 

What's Going On With Hayley Grace:
  • Close to 7 pounds and 20 inches long. 
  • Continuing to adding fat and working on her brain and nervous system. 
  • I have been able to feel a distinct kick with her foot which is so interesting! It's fun to play "Guess Which Body Part" while I'm laying in bed and she won't let me sleep! 
What's Going On With Momma:
  • I've had some pretty painful Braxton Hicks contractions this week! They usually happen in the afternoon and evening when I am worn out from the day. 
  • Midwife did an internal check last week. I was 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced, but she said I could go up until my due date like that! Next internal exam is next Thursday. Hopefully I will have made more progress by then if Hayley isn't already here! 
  • Difficulty sleeping, colostrum, and fatigue have all been present these last few weeks. 
To Do List For This Week:
  • Still need to pack my bag for the hospital! I got both bags packed for Hayley and Joey so I am making progress.
  • Take pictures of Hayley's room and post about it!!! It is finally complete. 
  • Make Hayley's baby blanket... Yup, haven't gotten around to it yet. I need to get on that! 
  • Clean, nest, clean, nest.... 
  • I wish I could say I am planning on making some freezer meals to have handy for the nights we don't have the energy to cook. BUT, I don't see that happening. 


Rant Time

I feel beat. Exhausted, sore, and at the end of my rope. I'm trying so hard to be as patient as possible. Not only when it comes to waiting for Hayley, but other areas of life as well. 

My online business isn't taking off like I had hoped. I understand it takes a while, but Deena and I opened our store on Etsy last summer. While I'm happy that other moms are able to succeed, I am a bit jealous. It's depressing to think that I had such high hopes and am having little (ok, ZERO) return. I've been doing all kinds of marketing online. Trying new things, adding new products, getting involved in work at home mom groups on Facebook. I'm ready to just throw in the towel and call it quits. Sometimes I feel that my friends and family don't care or want to see me succeed. It really hurts when they'll share a major corporation or business' post on Facebook, but when it comes to me, it feels like they're embarrassed to have it up on their wall. I just don't get it :-( I'm sure I read into it too far, but it's hard not to. 

I would love to be able to contribute to our household other than just feeling like a maid and a nanny. If I go back to work, most (if not all) of my paycheck will go to paying for daycare, gas, clothing and upkeep expenses, etc. Which leaves me saying, "What is the point?" I know I'll go back to work once the kids are in school. 

Just feeling a little down in the dumps today. If you've read this depressing post, thank you and I'm sorry :-)


Sunday, February 17, 2013

37 Weeks!

Hayley is now full term! We are getting so close, I wonder when she'll make her appearance?! 

I had a wonderful time at my baby shower! We got lots of great clothes and essentials for Hayley. I enjoyed seeing family and friends and celebrating Hayley with them! It is such a blessing to know how many people love her. 

We FINALLY got Hayley's dresser done! It took a few more coats of paint than we expected.  I shouldn't say it's done, we still have to refinish the hardware, put the mirror back on the front cabinet door, and get the shelves from my mom. But the hardest part IS done! Joe borrowed a paint gun from a friend which sped up the painting process in the end. We're going to buy one and redo some furniture around the house! 

What's Going On With Hayley Grace:
  • Hayley is now gaining about a half a pound a week, and at this point weighs about 6 1/2 pounds and measuring at just over 19 inches. 
  • If labor starts now, nothing will be done to stop her making her entrance! She is now considered full term. 
  • Practicing using her lungs by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking her thumb, turning from side to side, and blinking are all things she could be doing in there. 
What's Going On With Momma:
  • Still making plenty of trips to the bathroom at night. Even when I try to monitor how much I drink after 7pm, I am still up and down all night. 
  • Heartburn is still irritating me!! I hope that means she'll have a head full of hair! 
  • I had a few Braxton Hicks contractions last night that were a little more painful and noticeable than usual. A sign that the end is near! 
To Do List For This Week:
  • Pack hospital bag and Joey's bag for when he stays with his MomMom while we're in the hospital. 
  • Finish Hayley's room. Still need to hang all wall decorations and organize! 
  • Make Hayley's baby blanket. 
  • Make a car seat canopy since the weather will likely be chilly when she is born. 
  • CLEAN every inch of this house! 
  • Take swing and chair down from attic, clean, and set up. Thankfully we saved all of the big gear that we purchased for Joey so we didn't have to buy that this time around. 
I'm sure there are some things I am missing from this list. Now I have to get to work! 


Joey's First Snow!

Joey had a blast playing in the snow for the first time! He mainly just wanted to walk around and explore. It was so cold so we didn't get to stay outside as long as he would have liked to. 

Snow falling yesterday. The flakes were huge! 


The land behind our house. It looked like a foot of snow fell on this path!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

35 Weeks!

My baby shower is this weekend and I am so excited to celebrate with family and friends! I love that I have such a wonderful support system full of people who love us so much. We are very blessed and appreciate the love and support that we get from everyone. 

My sister just booked her flight to stay with us for a week after (hopefully not BEFORE!) Hayley is born! I am so excited, and it gives me something else to look forward to in March! She is such a big help, and she loves our babies like they are her own. I love you, Sister Cindy!! 

What's Going On With Hayley Grace:
  • Hayley now weighs about 5.5 pounds and is around 20 inches long. 
  • She is so active! Sometimes I feel like I'm having twins because of how much she moves around. It feels like she is everywhere in my belly at one time! I guess it's because she's getting so long. 
What's Going On With Momma:
  • Sleep has been not so great for me lately. Lots of trips to the bathroom at every hour of the night makes me feel like I hardly get any sleep at all! I just keep telling myself it is my body trying to prepare itself for Hayley's arrival. 
  • Heartburn is back with a vengeance. Yuck! I remember it being bad towards the end with Joey. Hopefully she'll drop soon, I remember getting relief at that point with Joey. 
  • I am so thankful I haven't had any complications and a relatively easy pregnancy. 
My mom gave us the dresser I used when I was a kid, so we are in the process of painting it to use in Hayley's room. I am so happy this piece of furniture will be used for my daughter! Hopefully we will finish that by the end of the week so I can FINALLY get some pictures up of Hayley's room! I want to post pictures of the finished project and it's just not quite there yet. I promise I will soon though!
