We have been searching Craigslist for the past few weeks. We did not want to buy from a breeder. We wanted to help someone out who could no longer care for their dog, or adopt from a rescue or shelter. We came across Lexi's post and fell in love. We adopted her from Mitchell Mill Animal Hospital Rescue in Raleigh. A friend of an employee there was vacationing in the mountains when they came across someone desperately trying to get rid of her. They told them if they did not take Lexi, she would be shot and killed that night. Without asking any questions, they brought Lexi home with them and to the animal hospital to get checked out. She has previously had a litter of puppies. I would have LOVED to have seen them! I'm sure they were tiny and adorable. They spayed her while she was there, and got her all caught up on her shots. She weighs 12 pounds, and the vet guessed that she is about a year old.
She seems pretty happy and comfortable here with us. She fits right in and does wonderful with Joey. Our main priority in searching for the right dog for us was to find one that did well with kids. Joey can be rough and wild around the house, and she doesn't pay him any mind. She even lets him pull her ears and poke her eyes without even flinching! We of course don't let him hurt her though.
Please excuse our messy house in the pictures! Tornado Joey comes through everyday and I don't even try to clean up until nap time.
I am thrilled that she is potty trained! I was worried about having to work with her on it and having to get up at night with her. The first full day she did have 2 accidents in the house, but I wasn't upset over it because I knew she was adjusting to our home and being in a new place. She scratches the door when she has to go out. No guessing games with her! She sleeps next to our bed on the floor on a pillow underneath a blanket.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
what a cute puppy!! Lexi and Joey look adorable together :D