
Monday, January 7, 2013

31 Weeks

We had a great weekend, and of course it just flew by! Joe and I painted Hayley's room yesterday. It didn't quite turn out the color I was hoping for. It still looks nice, just not exactly what I wanted. 

We decided not to refinish the crib. We want to make sure she is as safe as possible in her crib, and since we have previous experience with a child who liked to gnaw on his crib, it might be a better idea to leave it to a company that knows what they're doing when it comes to safely painting a crib! 

Hopefully this week I'll be able to start working on making the bumper for the crib and the crib skirt. I got on the sewing machine last night to make an infinity scarf for my mother-in-law, Deena, and it made me want to get the projects I have left finished! 9 more weeks until her expected arrival and I still feel like I have so much to do. 

We have decided to try out cloth diapering. It has come a LONG way in the past few years. No more safety pins and rags as diapers! It is much better for the wallet as long as you don't become obsessed with having the latest and greatest cloth diaper on the market. Hopefully I won't get sucked in! 

What's Going On With Hayley Grace:
  • Weighing in at almost 4 pounds and could be up to 19 inches long! 
  • Very active, she has been sure to let me know she's in there! There is nothing like being pregnant and feeling the movements. 
  • My midwife let me know this morning at my appointment that she is head down, but told me not to worry if she flips again. 
  • Digestive system is now fully developed. 
What's Going On With Momma:
  • Still having plenty of lower back pain. I have tried stretching, but it's just not cutting it anymore and sometimes makes it worse. 
  • Heartburn has still come around a couple of times, but I am so thankful it isn't as frequent as it was with Joey! 
  • Only gained 3 pounds since my 10 week appointment! Yay for me! My midwives are thrilled since I started out overweight, and I'm hoping I'll be able to find some motivation after baby gets here to get in shape. 
  • Braxton hicks contractions have begun. Only slightly uncomfortable for now. I'm glad my body is getting prepared for birth! 
Have a wonderful week! 


  1. Wow! 31 weeks! I know everyone is excited to see little Hayley :) I'm glad everything is moving along for her arrival! If you ever need any help just let me know!

    1. I think I am the most excited! I cannot wait until she gets here :)
