We have still been cloth diapering Joey and still love it! We had to stop for a couple of weeks because we weren't sure when Hayley would make her arrival. I did NOT want to come home to a pail full of stinky dipes! We started back on the cloth diapers a couple of days after we got home from the hospital with Hayley. Joey's are so easy to use and wash, it really wasn't a big deal to use them so soon while having a newborn.
Our favorite dipe is the Kawaii pocket. It has the best fit on Joey's bum and contains the messes wonderfully. We also like Bumgenius 4.0. Very easy to get a good fit on Joey with those.
We received a couple of Bumgenius Freetime's at Hayley's shower, and while I love the convenience of the inserts being attached, they don't seem to contain the poop as well as the Kawaii's or the Bumgenius 4.0's. Hopefully they'll work better on Hayley once she's ready to wear them!
I have still been washing them every 2 days. If I go any longer than that, it seems like the smell starts to make it's way out of the pail (picture a green fog floating above the pail- ICK!)
Cloth diapering Hayley hasn't been as easy. Prefolds and covers are much harder and more time consuming! She is such a wiggly little thing I can't get a good fit on her before she works herself out of it. I'll give it another try, but I'm ready to just resell the prefolds and covers and just wait until she can fit into the pockets and AIO's!
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