I guess it would be safe to say I have been so busy that I forgot about my blog! Forgive me? Please? K, thanks!
Our family has been doing well, just really busy! I am still trying to get on a decent schedule that accommodates both kids nap times and their routines. I have not yet been successful. Hopefully they will start consistently taking naps at the same time! This momma would certainly appreciate it :-)
We are loving our new home! We are slowly but surely making it our own. Updating paint colors, rearranging and purchasing furniture... It's a slow process but I love the outcome so far.
Joey has hit "Terrible 2's" at full force. He goes from happy to meltdown mode in a matter of half a second. He has done great potty training, learning his ABC's, numbers, colors, shapes, and other pre-K stuff. We are very proud of him!
Hayley is a little peanut! Luckily her pediatrician is not concerned with her weight. Last time she was weighed was at 9 months and she came in at a hefty 13 pounds 2 ounces. When I say tiny, I really mean tiny! She is in the third percentile compared to other girls her age. She eats everything in sight! I don't see how it's possible that she doesn't put on more weight. I have been breastfeeding her now. Going strong for almost 11 months!
We are so excited for Spring here. We actually got a lot of snow 2 weeks ago, about 6 inches! Joey LOVED playing in the snow! His favorite part was sledding with the neighbors. We all had a blast! Even mommy got in on the action! I wish I had taken some pictures but we were having too much fun to stop.
Talk Soon!
Ah terrible 2s!! I know the feeling. Evelyn can be SOOO emotional... drives me mad! Thankfully Emily is a less emotional girl than Evelyn so that gives me a little bit of relief.