
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I love this time of year. Pumpkin pie, spending time with loved ones, and being thankful for each and every special person in your life and just how much they mean to you. Oh, and did I say pumpkin pie? :-)

We're having our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow, and while I have been mostly frantic trying to get the house cleaned and making sure I have all of the ingredients I need for cooking, I took a few minutes today to sit and really think about my life and where I am now. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and I don't give myself enough opportunities to have these refreshing moments to myself to just think

Two of my favorite people in this whole wide world.

The person I am most thankful for is my husband. Even when I get frantic and somewhat out of control, he always helps me find my feet and gain control. I am sure he thinks that I am mostly ridiculous, but I know he loves my ridiculous self. 

I am thankful for God blessing me with our wonderful son. He can be a bucket of chaos sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He brings so much excitement, love, and happiness into my heart. Just when I feel that I am at my wit's end with him being a rascal, he turns on his sweet face and gives me a kiss and maybe even a quick cuddle. And instantly everything is okay in the world. 

I hope everyone has some time to themselves to really think about everything they have been blessed with and enjoy it all this holiday season. Of course there are many more things I am thankful for, but what I wrote above brought enough tears to my eyes! 

Happy Thanksgiving!


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